Soma Holistic

Massage Therapy

Dynamic and enthusiastic, Jill embraces all life has to offer. So far in her journey she’s been a holistic esthetician, arctic adventurer, business owner, gardener extraordinaire, ice castle raver, friendly live wire, solo world traveler, kundalini yogi, and unpaid roadie.

After relocating from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories during the pandemic, Jill fulfilled her longstanding desire to study Massage Therapy. Now a graduate, with honours, from The Atlantic College of Therapeutic Massage (2022), she begins her next grand adventure.

She comes to her massage practise with a solid grounding in holistic wellness. She has spent the past twenty one years studying aromatherapy, indian facelift massage, reflexology, reiki (master in Usui, Karuna, and HolyFire), healing touch, reset therapy for TMJ, energetic and sound healing. She is also a KRI level 1 Kundalini Yoga instructor. Her latest training includes: gua sha and advanced myofascial release for face and neck, evidence informed clinical cupping, and Craniosacral Therapy.

Jill focuses on combining myofascial and craniosacral techniques with swedish and deep tissue work, to address stress reduction, chronic pain, provide injury relief and relaxation. Jill has a strong interest in somatic experiencing, and polyvagal theory, how trauma is stored and held in the body, and how it can be aided in release through movement, bodywork and massage. She is currently pursuing a certificate in somatic nervous system regulation.

When not treating massage clients, she can often be found rescuing earthworms from the sidewalk or enjoying the beauty of the Fredericton trail system. She is an avid reader, painter, kayaker and loves tending her houseplants and growing her own food.

Dynamic and enthusiastic, Jill embraces all life has to offer. So far in her journey she’s been a... Read More

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Located at: 371 Brunswick St, Fredericton
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